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mom again
Nick as the days go by I miss u more every day. I love you so very much and pray you are at peace.
Shauntay Sambrano
2 think i had the bigest crush on u when my mom first started working 4 ur dad i cant believe ur gone! Im sorry 4 ur familes loss
ashley ferraro
You had such a big heart that will never be forgotten. you given everyone so much. i will miss you nick.
I hope you have found peace. You will always be in my heart.
Becky Provencio
I love you so much! I always looked forward to seeing you and I'm gonna miss you so much. Jesus will take care of you now!
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Svijeća za tebe lijepi anđele Nicholas. Počivaj u miru Božjem. Nedostaješ......
Kalynne's Mommy
May this candle shine bright in your memory always Hugs and love to everyone who knew you
Tariq Syed
Thank you Nick for being the best friend that anybody could ever ask for.I will always charish the memories I have of you. RIP
Shalina and Jayson Williams
All of our thoughts are with you and your family during this time.
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